Creativity is EARNED.

My secret life-hack to sparking creativity ;)

Creativity is a funny thing to talk about.

As a digital creator, it's all I aspire to improve. Truth is, we can't do our jobs as digital creators without having the ability to spark creativity.

Now there are several ways of sparking creativity that I could dive deep on, however, one important strike of action that sparks creativity comes from sprinting.

Now hear me out, if you can’t stand the idea of sprinting, replace it with jogging or walking.

I just personally love sprinting because it’s fast-paced.

The neurons that are activated & the sprinter's high I get after a sprint feels unmatched.

Whenever I lack creativity & I haven't sprinted for the day yet, I just go out to my nearest track & run a sprint workout.

The old me would hate to hear this given the fact I played basketball for most of my life & most basketball players hate the idea of sprinting.

Yet with time, I've grown to love it.

I was always that kid who was naturally fast/agile & it paid forth.

I'm running track at a D2 college & I'm running a pretty quick 100m sprint at around 11.5-11.7 seconds as a freshman.

Anyways apart from that, sprinting gives me so much mental clarity & it gives me a true high to work with once I'm done.

The same goes for walking, jogging & cruise-boarding.

The common pattern here is that ONCE you get your body moving at an irregular pace, you somehow develop a sense of clarity & creativity afterward.

I'm not a neuroscientist, however, I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

So your action piece for today is to go out & do five 150m sprints.

Alright, maybe don’t do that if you aren’t used to sprinting, however, try walking around a track or your neighborhood.

You’ll find yourself sparking creative ideas 10x more frequently.

I’m looking to take on 3 digital creators just like you for this month.

I’ll help you uncover your biggest energy draining habits so you can 10x your energy levels & produce higher quality work.

(p.s; you’ll get a couple of free bonuses ;))

If you’re interested, book a call below!