Your Future Depends On This.

3 Step Checklist to Successful Habit Creation

In reality, your future depends on only one thing.

That one thing is; your habits. Your habits directly tie into what it is that you want to accomplish in life. They are what will direct you towards your vision.

Assuming that you’re a person who likes to improve yourself; you’ll ideally be performing these habits every single day. Therefore, they will eventually stack up on top of each other & accumulate to your desired goal.

So, in this letter we’ll dive into 3 step checklist to make sure your habit is worth keeping.

Jim Kwik

Now, how did I come up with this checklist?

In reality, while I understand the checklist, it surely isn’t a framework I came up with out of nowhere.

One day, I decided to pick up a book by Jim Kwik. A book focused on developing meaningful learning habits & different ways to improve the brain’s natural thought process.

The book was called, “Limitless” & I highly recommend it if you want to learn proven frameworks to learning things faster & more efficiently.

While I was reading this book, I came across a chapter which gave various explanations & studies related to cognitive science & how the human brain functions on a daily basis.

The amygdala has a major influence on the way we think on a daily basis, although we have the ability to influence & change it to our designated needs.

Later down the line, Jim Kwik started explaining how successful habits are formed, hence the inspiration to this letter.

The 3 Step Checklist

Now I’m sure you’re dying to realize what the 3 step checklist to successful habit creation may be.

It comes down to 3 things;

Desire to Perform

Ability to Perform

Time to Perform

Without these 3 factors checked off, you can’t possibly expect to create a habit worth keeping as you might not either have a desire to do it, the ability to do it, or even have time to perform it.

Desire to Do It

Jim Kwik explained how a habit worth creating comes down to having a burning sensation to do it.

If you have a desire to go for a run every morning, there you go. You solved the first step.

Having the initiative to perform given habit is the first piece of the puzzle.

Ability to Do It

Now that we have desire to take on this given habit, all that’s left is for us to ask ourselves;

“Do I have the ability to do this?”

If you have desire to go for a 3 mile run every morning but lack the ability to do so, you might have to cut down on the mileage & work your way up. If you have a desire to practice muscle ups everyday & lack the ability to perform even one, then you have to focus on those habits that will bring you closer to performing a muscle up.

The key is to have ability.

Time to Do It

Lastly, we need to make sure we actually have time to perform this habit.

Can you wake up everyday at 6am & knock out your morning run in time before class/work? Can you dedicate a certain timeblock throughout your day to practice this goal-oriented habit?

Ability & desire is nothing if you have no time.


For those who skip to the end, here’s what we covered;

Desire to Perform

Ability to Perform

Time to Perform


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