Grit Levels = MAXED OUT

Why pushing your limits builds a better brand

Yesterday, I had a pretty tough workout for college track.

Twelve 150m sprints with a 1.5 - 2 minute rest period.

To make matters worse, it was scorching outside!

I'd sweat my arse off just by walking around.

We're all sprinters running this workout, 2 girls, 7 guys.

We were testing our limits on this workout.

Our grit levels need to be up there to improve our endurance & consistently flow through the workout.

If we gave up, it'd not only make us look bad in front of the coach.

It would mean the Coach will not consider taking us to the next meet.

In the end, we got the workout done.

We pushed our limits.

We worked hard regardless of the heat we were immersed in.

This just goes to show that anything can be done, as long as you have the grit to do it.

So, what does this have to do with building your brand?

It represents the fact that you need to be able to push through the difficulties you'll face along the journey.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. (Unless you're daytrading)

You have to be willing to push through the tough times.

Only then, will you surpass your competition & build something truly worthwhile.

Anyways, that's all for me.

Until next time,

P.S; there are 4 copies left for the Inbound Lead Matrix.

It’s at $1 & will double in price once the next 4 people purchase.

You’ll find it valuable if you’re looking to attract inbound leads with your brand.

Just take a look at what Rasmus had to say:

With that being said, get your copy before it sells out today.