Here’s why you should speak to ONE person

Hey fellow subscriber,

Today marks the last day for my mini vacation in New Hampshire. So far it’s been phenomenal.

Loads of adventure, riding quads, driving jet-skis, doing crazy burnouts on the water…

Overall just having a great time surrounded by Mother Nature.

If you’re not getting away from time to time to think…

You’re missing out.

You’ll come back to business refreshed & more energetic than if you weren’t to get away for a bit.

Now, today’s email has to do with writing to one person.


Because I keep seeing business owners online write to several people at once.

I can’t really think of a situation or a business that spoke to several people at once.

Meaning their offer speaks to different people with different needs in one single jumble.

It just won’t work as effectively as if they were to speak to one single persona.

Now, what’s the importance of speaking to one person you may ask?

To be fair, there’s several key points to that question…

But I’ll just go over 1 of them.

When your offer speaks to one person, you build more authority around it.


Think about it like this…

Business A offers to help you build a personal brand for your online business.

Business Z offers to help you build a personal brand for your email marketing offer.

Who are you more likely to buy from?

Give it a second…

Business Z?

You answereed right.

Can you see how Business Z has a clearer & highly specific offer proposition?

Instead of saying you’ll help any online business…

You get hyper-specific on a sector of the industry.

It goes deeper than this however, I believe you get the gist here.

Being highly specific with your offer is one of the proven ways to charge more for your worth.

Don’t be like Business A. [Unless you’re extremely experienced in every single business model out there]

Anyways, I’ll leave it at this.

If you have any questions, reply to this email & I’ll respond with an answer.

Until next time,