Leads on AUTOPILOT??

The truth about building a personal brand

Most agency owners or service providers in general, like to believe their brand perception doesn’t matter.

They believe a personal brand is “lazy” or “unnecessary”. However, with a powerful brand, you can attract quality leads. You can have higher DM open rates.

Before ever opening a DM, people usually do a couple of things.

  • Check your profile

  • Read your bio

  • Read your pinned post

  • Read your content

If your profile is lacking in any of these areas of authority.

Don’t expect a response. Keep this in mind anytime you’re doing outreach or running an ad campaign.

Take care of the organic assets first.

Then incorporate the other 2 for maximum efficiency. (Or just let your organic content bring leads to you)

Anyways, that’s all for me.

Until next time,

P.S; if you’re a busy agency owner with existing clients & you’re constantly finding yourself short on time with your personal brand.

I’d like to offer you some assistance & take the work off your hands.

I understand how hard it can be to learn personal branding alongside client work so when you have somebody with 2+ years of experience in organic marketing do it for you, you can focus more on your business.

If you’re interested in hearing more, check out the video below.