Peanut Butter is the Next Hibernation Pill.

How peanut butter gives me more energy the next day to produce high quality work.

As digital creators, being able to have quality sleep is crucial for our performance.

Without quality sleep, our minds will be all over the place. We’ll be more prone to mental fog, leading to less creativity. We’ll have less energy, leading to low quality work.

To put it simply, quality sleep is important.

How do you achieve quality sleep you may ask?

It comes down to the habits you set & how you optimize your environment to do so efficiently.

I personally have over 8-10+ different sleep tactics to help me wake up with more energy off of 5-6 hours than most people who get 8-10 hours.

However, one cool tactic not included in the list includes eating a peanut butter sandwich before bed.

Of course, you don’t want to do this right before you go to bed as you should never go to bed on a full stomach.

However, it’s been scientifically proven that peanut butter helps regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping your energy at ease.

It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body produce viable serotonin & melatonin.

It’s a habit I’ve put into place many years ago that I have recently rekindled.

As a digital creator, if you don't have the right sleep tactics to wake up refreshed, your work will be as low quality as ever.

Energy is EVERYTHING when it comes to your endeavors.

Without it, you can kiss those endeavors goodbye.

Which is why I’m offering to help you increase your energy levels by over 20% using routines & habits I set in stone for the past 8 years of my self-development journey.

If you're interested, check out the link below & book in a call!