To push or not to push?

You're missing this crucial trait as an entrepreneur.

A couple of days ago, I almost passed out at track practice.

It was a scorching out 80+ degrees in Florida. It was one of those days where you wish you didn’t have practice.

I wasn't too hydrated before getting there despite my big aluminum steel water bottle.

We had just finished up a team lifting session as well right before this workout.

Meaning, we just released an excess of energy before then. I was going head-on into practice with low energy.

Little did I know it would be a pretty detrimental one.

After finishing up my warm-up, I saw the other guys practically finish up their workout.

Coach had them running 10x 100m sprints back to back. At full speed. Normally, this wouldn't be too bad if the weather was better.

However as I mentioned, I hadn’t hydrated properly & I just finished a team lifting session.

So, I got started with the workout & started repping it out.

I had some serious cotton mouth halfway through. I was on the brink of passing out.

By the 6th rep, I was practically crying for mercy.

Every rep after the 7th-8th, I had dropped down to the ground to rest up a bit before getting back up to do another rep.

I kept pushing despite the fact that I was almost practically dying inside.

I jumped out of my Patrick star-shaped resting position on the ground & put my head down to finish off the last 2 reps.

On the last rep, it was either all in or I'm out.

I started sprinting & luckily, I had the demeanor to get through it. I fell on the ground hard to rest up.

I had just finished up a tough workout & felt great.

Now, what's the lesson here?

Become a psycho.

You need to push yourself outside of your business. Without business, who are you?

Think about it.

You can't successfully run a business without some sort of physical demeanor & push.

How you do something is how you do everything. Whatever you can't accomplish, falls on you. It's ultimately your fault.

Whether you like it or not.

Anyways, that's all for me.

Until next time,

P.S; if you’re a busy service provider struggling to find time to create content for your business.

I’m opening up a slot for my DFY services where I’ll handle the boring stuff for you so you can focus more on delivering results for your clients.

Building a brand can be tedious at times & it can get in the way of what matters most to you.

If you fit the criteria, check out the link below for more information.