Quality or Quantity?

Mass Cold DMs are OVERRATED.

I’m looking to sign a client for my brand perception & content DFY offer.

I've recently been working on a couple of things to do that.

A new lead magnet, new VSLs, new onboarding processes & a couple other breakdowns using Miro Board.

I've never been a guy who's been an advocate for cold DMs, even though I can do them.

They're just so mentally draining & time consuming.

So, my plan of attack comes down to 2 things.

Either use a DM bot to autoDM my opening messages, so I can then continue the conversation from there onwards.


I can instead just find ONE ideal prospect everyday, breakdown their profile using loom & then pitch on my offer document.

I'd figure the 2nd way would be the most effective as I'm giving them free value.

So I've decided I'm going to cold DM using this route.

And if you're a cold DM guru, I know what you’re thinking…

“YoU hAvE tO SenD oUt 100dMs a DaY oR YoU’rE oFf thE fiEld”

Well, guess what?

I heavily believe in quality over quantity, so I don’t want to hear it Joel Kaplan.

It’s time we go against the grain, so I'm going to be trying this out for the next couple of days.

Plus, as you know, I'm all for inbound leads so my lead magnet will ideally be used to generate more awareness towards my bigger offers.

So, that's my plan of attack.

And why did I tell you this?

Because again, the way you position yourself matters.

If you're coming across like every other person out there, you'll blend into the crowd of fishes.

So, find a way to differentiate yourself.

You’ll thank yourself for it.

Anyways, that's all for me.

Until next time,

p.s; if you’re tired of not knowing how to optimize your profile, your content & your lead magnets.

I’m offering clarity calls to creators, coaches & agency owners building a brand on X.

We’ll work together for 60 minutes to find a solution to your roadblocks.

Plus, you’ll get my 2hr/week content ecosystem as a bonus.

If you’re interested, check out juicy testimonials & book a call here, today.