Stop Wasting your Youth!

3 Habitual Mistakes I See Young Adults Make Consistently.

People nowadays are lazy & unproductive.

The year I’m writing this letter (2023) is the first year I entered college as a true freshman. I’ve met a good chunk of other students. I’ve also been able to observe the daily actions & habits of other students.

I’ve come to notice that most students in my age group are doing everything wrong.

Anytime I see these students eating fries, going to parties or playing video games all day, I cringe.

Why are you spending your youth so poorly?

Science claims we are the most energetic from the ages of 16-25.

So instead of taking these years off with ease, why not spend these years maximizing yourself?

Setting yourself up for the future?

My Advice

In my own unbiased opinion, I believe the way I spend my time & my habits are blueprints others in my age group should go off of.

Unless of course, they want to keep being their unproductive & lazy selves, which is fine.

Less competition for myself.

I believe it’s important for the upcoming generations to take control of themselves & stray away from the “norm.”

If you spend your free time watching TikTok, you’re losing potential time learning a valuable skill.

If you decide to eat pizza, you’re losing the chance of eating a healthy fruit bowl.

In economics, this is a phenomenon called Opportunity Cost.

You’re essentially choosing one option for the loss of another.

This is why it’s important to be aware of your daily habits as these habits can ultimately define your future.

Goals mean nothing without the habits that support them.

Video Games

Ditch the video games.

If you’re over the age of 16, you could be spending your time more productively.

To this day, I don’t play video games.

I believe they rot your brain.

I know I sound like your parents.

However, I’m sure we can both agree when I say this.

This is a form of cheap dopamine that essentially robs you of the discipline needed to actually achieve something worthwhile.

With video games, you’re achieving things with ease.

In real life, you don’t achieve things with ease unless they’re not worthwhile.

Real, worthwhile dopamine is the dopamine that you earn with work & consistency.

So, do yourself a favor & ditch the video games.

Replace your time spent on video games with;

Working Out




Parties are retarded.

I said it.

Go ahead, tell me otherwise.

It’ll only prove my point.

I personally believe parties & clubbing are just about the dumbest ways to spend your time.

Yet almost over 75% of my age group does it.

I don’t get it.

You’re in an overcrowded dancefloor with people you don’t know.

People who don’t care about you.

You’re getting drunk alongside them.

You’re hooking up with people you’ll never see again.

It’s just degeneracy.

How will this help you in life?

I’d be curious to know.

Instead of acting like a monkey in a room full of other monkeys, why not spend your time;

Practicing a Hobby?

Learning a Hobby?


Don’t waste your youth doing stupid sh*t.

Eating Junk

I just cringe when I see other students eating junk food everyday for;




I see people eating fries, grilled cheeseburgers & pizza for most of their meals of the day.

It’s absurd.

How do you not feel guilty?

On top of that, you’re drinking soda and not working out?

It just doesn’t make sense.

It doesn’t matter what you were raised to eat like.

You’re old enough to know that your eating habits are slowly killing you.

The food you eat directly correlates to your mental, physical & social performance.

You won’t feel;




You’ll feel like a bag of turd.

So instead of picking up that slice of pizza, pick up a fruit salad.

You’ll feel much better in the long term.


Going to college has made me realize how far behind most people my age really are.

They’re behind physically & mentally, solely because of their set habits.

Don’t be like them.

Be the opposite.

Bullet Summary

For those who skip to the end, here’s what we covered;

My Advice

Video Games


Junk Food

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